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Hamarosan feltöltjük a foglalási naptárt! Köszönjük türelmét!
8360 Keszthely,
Untenberger str. 25. Hungary
+36 (30) 957 6370
Booking process
General Information
Cancellation policy
The guest can cancel the reservation free of charge up to 31 days before arrival. If the cancellation occurs 30 days before the accommodation is booked or later, we will not be able to refund the amount of the deposit.
Booking process
E-mailben egyeztetünk, ajánlatot küldünk Önnek . Az ajánlat elfogadását követően a foglalás összegének 50%-át kérjük előlegként megfizetni. Az idegenforgalmi adó mértéke a keszthelyi Önkormányzat rendelkezése alapján 450 Ft/fő/ éj 18 év felett. Megfizetése, a szállásdíjon felül történik, a szállás elfoglalásakor a bejelentő kitöltését követően.
The accommodation can be used from 14:00 on the day of arrival, earlier arrival is possible only after prior consultation. In the event that the Guest does not appear by 22:00 on the agreed day, the Service Provider has the right to withdraw from the contract, unless a later arrival time has been stipulated.
You must leave the accommodation by 11 am on the last day of your stay. In case of later check-out, an extra stay fee must be paid: HUF 5,000/hour, or it is necessary to consult with the host in advance.
Contact us!
Have a question? Write to us and we will try to answer within 24 hours if possible.
The area
Programs, entertainment
Things to see
Cancellation policy